
How to uninstall avast antivirus in mac
How to uninstall avast antivirus in mac

how to uninstall avast antivirus in mac

Step 2- From the list of applications, search for ‘ Avast‘ and highlight it. Now that you have successfully disabled the Self-Defense Mode, let us look at the methods to uninstall Avast. Step 4- Search for the ‘ Enable Self-Defense‘ option from the list and deselect its checkbox to disable it. Click on ‘ General‘ and then, click on ‘ Troubleshooting‘ from the menu. Step 3- The Settings window of Avast will be displayed on your screen. Click on ‘ Settings‘ from the list of options. Step 2- A drop-down box will appear on your screen. Step 1- Launch Avast on your device and click on the ‘ Menu‘ option, which you will find at the top-right corner of its interface. How to disable Avast’s Self-Defense Mode? The steps involved in disabling it are listed below. 1.4 Method 3: Using the IObit Uninstaller.īefore you start executing any method, disable Avast’s Self-Defense Mode.1.3 Method 2: Using Avast uninstall utility.1.1 How to disable Avast’s Self-Defense Mode?.

How to uninstall avast antivirus in mac